No definitive end in sight for Greenwood Lake forest fire, says EMS commissioner

 The Jennings Creek forest fire that has kept firefighters and other emergency responders on scene in New York and New Jersey for several weeks, including in Greenwood Lake, Warwick, and surrounding communities since last weekend, seemed to be quieting down as of Friday afternoon.  However, Friday evening flames broke through a small section of the overall large perimeter containment line currently surrounding thousands of acres of New York State land.

“Wind gusts caused the fire to jump a small section of a primary containment line and encroach closer on Edgemere.  There was a lot of glow that put on a bright show on the Jersey Avenue side. That containment line extends several miles inland and does have periodic breaks.  But there has always been a secondary contingency line in place which has remained intact, and the percentage of containment remains at 85-89 percent,” said Orange County Department of Emergency Services Commissioner Peter Cirigliano II. “All assets are in place and are continuing to protect the fire line.”

Cirigliano noted that many dozens of fire units have been on scene for eight or nine days in a row, with various fire apparatus continuing to be staged in close proximity to structures.  They are stationed in driveways, in the rear of houses, and along the perimeter, and are ready to stop flames from reaching any structures should that become necessary at any time.

credit: Mid Hudson News



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